Thursday, June 7, 2007


As the Old World excitedly awaits my return later this month, I've decided to make my Euro-blog idea a reality. Within this little corner of cyberspace you will soon find a riveting, day-by-day account of my summer study abroad.*

Because I'm a veteran of only two cross-Atlantic adventures totalling just six weeks away from free (American) soil, this trip initially provided me with an exciting opportunity to test a couple of ideas I've been toying with for a while. I'm gonna spell out these ideas in detail on this blog before leaving, then evaluate them as I go.

First, I'm not flying with a big airline. I saved $300 over a comparable Delta itinerary with IcelandAir. I fly from Orlando, Florida to Reykjavik, Iceland, then on to Amsterdam. In addition to the cost savings, I think avoiding big airports (New York's JFK is miserable) and breaking up the long flight will make the trip more pleasant. Because the transatlantic great circle route nearly passes over Iceland anyway, the flight time is about the same. We'll see whether the stress of changing planes is worth it.

Second, I'm packing very light. The content of my scholastic program in the Netherlands and Germany requires business attire (suit and tie), so I'm forced to lug a garment bag halfway 'round the world. Other than that, I'm going with a bookbag and a prayer; no suitcase or duffel bag. Based on the advice of travel guide Rick Steves and my jet-setting rock star friend, I'm taking just five days of clothes. I think the light load will outweigh the inconvenience of doing laundry, and buying clothes as souvenirs has served me well in the past.

* For the law-trained reader, "riveting" and "day-by-day" are mere sales talk intended to create no warranty of quality. The reader should not rely on any of the author's assertions as to the frequency or coherence of the postings to this blog.

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